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/ Fonts for You / Fonts For You (Fantazia Concepts)(1994).ISO / jazzy2 / truetype / j45l.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-08-01  |  37KB
Labels: box | bulletin board | fence | grass | poster | reckoner | sky | water
OCR: dacdetd.akrrnoperstuwwxyz 01234567 ABCDEFCH STUWIXYZ +7KN1 The beown tns lazy dao, The quick Tox OVEr the lazy dog; The Tox jumps Over the lazy doa The fox jumps over the lazy dop The brown Tox umps over the lazy dopp The quick brown Tox JumpS over the \azy The quick UMOJO fox saun the lazy do9. UWUXYZ quck Oyer iumps Sdunt